01/24/2023 | Brand new favorites and much more !

✨ New features

🤩 Discover the new favorites content feature

NEW FEATURE | Create your customized workspace using the new favorite option

Mayday users are always looking for productivity tricks and features that can make them able to find the information they need as fast as possible. Given that, the Mayday Product and Tech team decided to rebuild the favorite content features.

Use cases :

🎯 We decided to relocate the Favorites content directly into the header so that it becomes even more easy for agents to find their most used contents.

🎂 Agents can now operate drag and drop into the favorite collection to reorder their content regarding their relevancy of usage frequency.

🔍 We implemented a search bar on favorites in case agents have a lot of favorites content they can still find the relevant content in less than 3 clicks !

How to use it ?

  1. First of all, set favorite contents either on the full page or in the chrome extension.

  2. Access the favorite contents just clicking on the star icon.

  3. Once in your favorite workspace, you can search for contents using the search bar, remove a favorite or reorder them using the drag and drop feature after clicking on "modify".

This feature is just the begining of a larger Product Epic called "Agent Workspace". Mayday product team has a lot of surprise coming soon regarding this topic including plugins (Top 10, pinned contents from administrators, etc.)

📝 3 new features regarding verification policy option !

IMPROVEMENT | Met's have the more accurate and up to date knowledge base

As you know the most important thing about knowledge base is to have up to always have trustable content. To do so, we developed the feature of verification policy. Now we dicided to bring it a step further !

Use cases :

📆 You can now select either a time period or a specific date ! If you have a content that you want to be checked on a particular day just select the date on the date picker.

📝 You can now decide if the content needs to be set as draft when it becomes untrusted. For example if you have a guide on the knowledge base and you want it to be verified on next mondy by your colleague Patrice, just set a verification policy on next monday assigned to Patrice. Moreover you can also decide to set this content as draft while the verificator has made the check and update.

💌 You can now decide if you want the verificator to receive a specific email on reaching the verification date.

Mode d’emploi :

  1. Just set a verification policy on the content (clicking on the small cog) and decide when the verification policy should be triggered.

  2. Go to the settings pannel to activate or deactivate the email notification.

🧠 Search results explanations

IMPROVEMENT | Always be aware why the search result matched the keywords

As you know, Mayday search is a very advanced feature that let you search on content titles, content bodies but also into content inserted files such as PDF, Word, PPTX. However this very powerful feature makes you wonder sometimes why this result had been prompted. To improve user experience we developed a tooltip carousel so that you always know if the keyword matched with something into attached files.

💌 A shining pending users interface

IMPROVEMENT | Administrate pending users as you would administrate existing users

After refactoring the existing users interface creating a dedicated console, we decided to implement the same table for pending users.

How to use it?

  1. Go to the settings pannel and look for Pending Users. Click on Administrate Button and access the Admin center.

  2. In the admin center you can perform single of bulk actions such as

    1. Renew invitations

    2. Delete invitations

    3. Change Group, Roles

    4. Filters on specific attributes to perform these actions.

🎚 The new filters in Mayday Hub

NEW FEATURE | Always find what you want with the new filters

Given the massive usage of Mayday Hub, we decided to spend time improving its usability. To do so we first tackle the filter options to offer you a brand new interface to access what you want !

🐵 List of continuous improvements or bug fixes


  • 🔐 New interface of login page in Mayday Chrome extension

  • 🗺 Optimization of image cropper


  • 🔍 Fixing the search bar in the notification admin center

  • 🗺 Fixing wording and translation issues

  • 🔔 Fixing notification red count in the dashboards

  • 📝 Fixing collection name length guard

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